
Because good enough is never enough when it comes to your health

At byMae, “good enough” is just the starting line. When it comes to your health—and the health of your family—we don’t stop at what’s easy or convenient. The byMae Way is about pushing boundaries, asking the right questions, and finding solutions that others might overlook. We’re not just making products; we’re making sure they matter.

Trade-offs, not concessions

Creating the best products means making the tough calls, and we’re all in. Take our multi+ for littles, for example. When we tried "natural" sweeteners like monkfruit or xylitol, our tiny testers turned their noses up, and some even ended up with digestive issues. So we opted for a tiny pinch of organic cane sugar—because sometimes, the best way to make sure they take their vitamins is to make them taste great without the side effects. And hey, if it means fewer tantrums in the morning, we think that’s a win for everyone.

Redefining what user-friendly means

In a world where "easy" often trumps "effective," we refuse to compromise. Our prenatal isn’t just designed to be taken—it’s designed to work for you, day and night. That’s why we split our formula into an AM drink, hydrating and energizing for your morning needs, and two easy-to-swallow capsules in the evening, supporting sleep and overnight absorption. And let’s not forget—we made sure you get everything you need without having to swallow 8 huge tablets (you know the ones). To us, user-friendly is where functionality meets efficiency—because if it doesn’t deliver, what’s the point?

Transparency, clearly.

We’re proud of the work that goes into every byMae product, and we think you’ll appreciate knowing the details too. Our formulas are crafted through close collaboration with top medical experts, scientists, and manufacturing partners. To keep everything crystal clear, we’ve created detailed abstracts for each product, so you know exactly what’s inside and why. Still curious? We’re here to chat—just reach out at

Progress is a process

Health isn’t a one-and-done kind of thing—it’s a journey. And we’re committed to evolving with you. As new research comes in and science moves forward, we’ll keep refining our products to ensure you’re always getting the best. Whether it's discovering a better way to mask the taste of iron or adjusting our formulas to align with new guidelines, we’re not afraid to change—because that’s what it takes to make a real difference. 

Get the full picture

Easily compare what counts, so you can choose what’s best for your family.

Backed by science, built for life

At byMae, we believe health isn't just a category—it’s a commitment. Our world-class advisors stand with us, not because it’s easy, but because they see the value in redefining what real health support looks like. From our groundbreaking formulas to our immunity training byMae revolution, here’s why the experts behind the science are all in.


Marcelo Ferro


byMae is a game changer in the health of pregnant women and families. Their prenatal’s unique approach — dividing their formula into AM and PM — improves overall physiological functions and synergistic absorption, thereby optimizing the metabolism of micronutrients. With this product, byMae will be able to bring countless benefits to people during pregnancy, when additional nutritional needs arise to support the development of new life. Their multi+ formulas bring to market immunity training ingredients, supercharged with vitamins and minerals, to support overall daily health.


Sara Langley


byMae fills a gap in the market for supplementation that is practical, thoughtful and relevant to modern living. Every aspect of their formulation goes above and beyond the industry standard to give us supplements that are based in science with immunity training that the US market has not yet seen. I am especially excited for this, given the inflammation that occurs in the brain with seasonal infections. Their prenatal is split into an AM and PM formulation because up until now, we have been misled. The time of day you take your supplements does matter as our bodies cycle through the course of the day. byMae uses common sense, and it shows.”